Private Breast/Chestfeeding Consultation
Individualized lactation support with Cindy Rogers Maitland, IBCLC
Service Description
Private breast/chestfeeding consultations available (virtual or in home). These consultations are approximately 90 minutes long, and individualized to help you meet your feeding goals when challenges occur. Examples of this might be the non-latching baby, painful feedings, milk supply issues, pumping, weaning, weight gain issues, inducing lactation, and many others. Feel free to reach out if you think you may benefit from a consultation but are not sure. Following a consultation, you will have two weeks of follow up at no additional cost. All services are offered in a culturally competent, trauma-informed, compassionate and nonjudgmental way, by an experienced Internationally Board Certified Lactation Consultant. To book your 90 minutes private consultation please contact equanimitybirth@gmail.com . Initial in home consult $185 follow up consults $135
Contact Details
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada